Product Liability
Product Liability
We use consumer goods every day, for many purposes. But sometimes those products are dangerously defective, and those defects cause us injury. If you have been injured by a defective consumer product in New York, you can file a lawsuit to recover compensation for your harm.
If you file a strict products liability suit, you do not need to prove the manufacturer’s negligence in order to recover damages. Instead, you only need prove that the product was defective and that the defect was a substantial factor in causing your injuries.
There are three types of product defects: design, manufacturing, and marketing. Design defects occur when a product is inherently dangerous because of an unsafe design. Manufacturing defects occur when a product is manufactured not in accordance with the design. Finally, marketing defects may occur when a product is advertised as being suitable for uses that cause a risk of harm to the consumer.
Common types of defective product include:
- Defective car parts;
- Dangerously designed automobiles;
- Unsafe pharmaceuticals;
- Defective medical devices;
- Faulty appliances;
- Dangerous children’s toys; and
- Faulty industrial equipment.
Litigating product liability claims can be complex and confusing, so if you have been injured by a defective consumer good, you should contact an attorney today. Please call the experienced attorneys at Ask Your Lawyers to discuss your case.